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of IT Consultants

Recruiters shouldn't be vetting your IT Consultants. Only IT Consultants can vet IT Consultants. That's what we do.

Access the top 10% of IT Consultants





Access the top 10% of IT Consultants

We placed tech consultants at world-class companies

IT Consultants on demand


Create a fast contract posting personalized to the technology expert you need.


We connect IT Consultants and Companies, post your IT Project challenge, and find an Expert who can help.

IT Consultants
IT Consultants

Create an optimized profile based on your Tech skills, and find fitting contracts.

Modern Recruitment Approach
Consultants Hiring Consultants

Why Us?

Modern Recruitment Approach

HireConsultants only gathers the best of the best using a referral-only-system and social media to attract top consultants.

Consultants Hiring Consultants

We don't use general Recruiters to vet Consultants, nor do we ask you to do it. Every IT Consultant is vetted by our experienced and successful IT Consultants.

A more convenient way of Hiring

We eliminate all the tedious and boring tasks associated with hiring consultants. Fill out our 2-min form and we'll get started. No back-and-forth emails, no phone calls.

Words from our Founder

My name is Mahdi, I'm a Tech Consultant, and having worked at PwC, DXC and multiple other Fortune 1000 companies, I noticed a gap in tech recruitment, especially consultants.


Instead of throwing resumes around, HireConsultants aims to take a more problem-solving approach to your hiring needs.

Words from our Founder

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We support trending technologies
We support trending technologies
We support trending technologies
We support trending technologies
We support trending technologies
We support trending technologies
Hire Consultants

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John Smith

“Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus urna erat, venenatis eu purus nec, blandit placerat erat. Vestibulum suscipit mattis tortor.”

John Smith

Sandra Doe

“Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus urna erat, venenatis eu purus nec, blandit placerat erat. Vestibulum suscipit mattis tortor.”

Sandra Doe

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